The list of users in group “^0” on $SERVER$ could not be obtained because of the following error: The list of groups from $SERVER$ could not be obtained because of the following error: The list of users from $SERVER$ could not be obtained because of the following error: A connection to the $SERVER$ could not be made because of the following error: The password for user “^0” could not be changed on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The attributes for user “^0” could not be updated on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The user “^0” could not be removed from the group “^1” on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The user “^0” could not be added to the group “^1” on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The group “^0” could not be deleted from the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The user “^0” could not be deleted from the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The group “^0” could not be renamed to “^1” on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The user “^0” could not be renamed to “^1” on the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The group “^0” could not be added to the $SERVER$ because of the following error: The user “^0” could not be added to the $SERVER$ because of the following error: